如何在 BOOST 中在一个线程中发送信号并在另一个线程中执行相应的插槽?

2021-12-24 00:00:00 signals c++ boost

例如,在 Qt 中,如果您在 GUI 线程以外的线程中发出信号,则该信号会被排入队列并稍后在 GUI 线程中执行,有没有办法通过 boost 来做到这一点?

In Qt for instance if you emit a signal in a thread other that the GUI thread, the signal is enqueued and executed later in the GUI thread, is there a way to do that with boost?



对于事件循环,请使用 boost::asio::io_service.您可以在此对象中发布任务并让另一个线程以线程安全的方式执行它们:

For an event loop use boost::asio::io_service. You can post tasks inside this object and have another thread execute them, in a thread safe way:

struct MyClass
    boost::io_service service;
    void doSomethingOp() const { ... }

    void doSomething()
        service.post(boost::bind(&MyClass::doSomethingOp, this));

    void loop()
            service.run(); // processes the tasks

boost::signal<void()> mySignal;

MyClass myClass;
mySignal.connect(boost::bind(&MyClass::doSomething, boost::ref(myClass)));

// launches a thread and executes myClass.loop() there
boost::thread t(boost::bind(&MyClass::loop(), boost::ref(myClass)));

// calls myClass.doSomething() in this thread, but loop() executes it in the other
