如何使用新的 Visual Studio 2013 预览版构建 boost?

2021-12-24 00:00:00 visual-studio c++ boost

尝试为 Boost 1.54 时.com/visualstudio/eng/2013-preview">Visual Studio 2013 Preview (MSVC12) 它警告:

When trying to build Boost 1.54 for Visual Studio 2013 Preview (MSVC12) it warns:

未知编译器版本 - 请运行配置测试并报告结果

Unknown compiler version - please run the configure tests and report the results


boost_1_54_0oost/iterator/detail/facade_iterator_category.hpp(166):错误 C2039:assert_not_arg":不是boost::mpl"的成员

boost_1_54_0oost/iterator/detail/facade_iterator_category.hpp(166) : error C2039: 'assert_not_arg' : is not a member of 'boost::mpl'

看起来来自 MSVC11 的旧库不兼容.

And looks like old libs from MSVC11 are not compatible.

我真的真的很想测试新的 IDE/编译器版本并且需要提升.那么,是否可以在新的 Visual Studio 2013 预览版中使用 boost?

I really-really want to test new IDE/Compiler version and need boost. So, is it possible to use boost with new Visual Studio 2013 Preview?




  1. 尝试构建 Boost 1.53:不太新鲜,但出于某种奇怪的原因,它构建了很好.
  2. 如果您真的需要 Boost 1.54(新的日志库看起来不错:)),请尝试应用 this diff-patch 到您的 Boost 1.54 发行版.它最适合修订版 84920,但您也可以尝试任何其他版本.请注意,我不是此补丁的作者.
  3. 尝试使用 Subversion 获取最新版本:svn co http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/trunk boost-trunk.在您阅读本文时,贡献者已经解决了问题.
  1. Try build Boost 1.53: not too fresh, but for some strange reason it builds just fine.
  2. If you really-really need Boost 1.54 (new Log library looks good :) ), try to apply this diff-patch to your Boost 1.54 distributive. It is best suited for revision 84920, but you can try any other too. Note that I am not author of this patch.
  3. Try to get latest revision with Subversion: svn co http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/trunk boost-trunk. For a time when you reading this, issue can be already fixed by contributors.

2013 年 8 月 26 日

看起来 boost 人员解决了这些问题.最新的 SVN 修订版 svn co http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/trunk boost-trunk 构建良好.感谢他们!

Looks like boost folks fixed these issues. Latest SVN revision svn co http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/trunk boost-trunk builds fine. Thanks to them!

2013 年 12 月 4 日

引自 TheArtTrooper 评论:

Quote from TheArtTrooper comment:

Boost 1.55.0 使用 Visual Studio 2013 RTM 构建,没有任何附加补丁

Boost 1.55.0 builds with the Visual Studio 2013 RTM without any additional patches

