为什么 mysql.connector 在 python2.7 和 python3 上没有问题?


我查看了不同的帖子,例如:有吗一种在 MariaDB 10.4.7 中使用 mysql-connector-python 中的pool_reset_connection"的方法?

I checked different post like: Is there a way to use 'pool_reset_connection' from mysql-connector-python with MariaDB 10.4.7?

但我无法解决我的问题,我有一个用 python 2.7 编写的程序;现在我将所有内容都移至 python 3,但 mysql.connector 出现问题.

But I can't solve my isue, I have a program write in python 2.7; now I'm moving everything to python 3 but I got problems with mysql.connector.

此时我正在使用 python 3.8.2 和 mysql-connector-python==8.0.19,但我尝试使用不同版本的 python 3,但是当我尝试时,我在 mysql.connector 上总是遇到相同的错误关闭连接.

In this moment I'm using python 3.8.2 and mysql-connector-python==8.0.19 but I try with different version of python 3, but I was getting always the same error on mysql.connector when I try to close the connection.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:Python38libsite-packagesmysqlconnectorconnection.py", line 819, in reset_session
  File "C:Python38libsite-packagesmysqlconnectorconnection.py", line 1166, in cmd_reset_connection
    raise errors.NotSupportedError("MySQL version 5.7.2 and "
mysql.connector.errors.NotSupportedError: MySQL version 5.7.2 and earlier does not support COM_RESET_CONNECTION.


mysql.connector.errors.OperationalError: 1047 (08S01): Unknown command


I'm not sure how to solve it, I try in different way increasing the pool and having different pool or just shutdown the connection but in a big project after I got pool exhaust so I really need close the connection but I can't solve this issue; can someone help me pls?

我什至尝试按照其他 stackoverflow 票证中的说明更改 mysql-connector 库,但每次更改时都会遇到其他问题.

I try even to change the mysql-connector library as explained in the other stackoverflow ticket but every time I change it I got other problems.


MySQL Connector/Python如何检测服务器版本的问题:

It's a problem how MySQL Connector/Python detects the server version:

由于复制不适用于 2 位主版本号,MariaDB 使用了所谓的 RPL hack,它是在 10.0 版中引入的,并将以下版本号发送到客户端 5.5.5-10.4.13-MariaDB.另请参阅 MariaDB 的第一部分是什么版本字符串的意思.

Since replication doesn't work with a 2-digit major version number, MariaDB uses a so called RPL hack which was introduced with version 10.0 and sends the following version number to the client 5.5.5-10.4.13-MariaDB. See also What does the first part of the MariaDB version string mean.

由于 MariaDB 连接器/Python 不知道,它假定服务器版本号为 5.5.5,并在检查 >= 5.7.3 时会引发 NotSupportedError 异常.

Since MariaDB Connector/Python is not aware of it, it assumes that the server version number is 5.5.5 and will raise a NotSupportedError exception when checking >= 5.7.3.

您可以修补 MySQL Connector/Python(在 do_handshake() 中修复 server_version),也可以尝试 MariaDB Connector/Python.它目前处于测试阶段,但预计本月仍会 GA(pip3 install mariadb)

You can either patch MySQL Connector/Python (fixing server_version in do_handshake()) or you can try MariaDB Connector/Python. It's currently beta, but GA is expected still this month (pip3 install mariadb)
