
在阅读 boost/shared_ptr.hpp 时,我看到了这段代码:

While I'm reading boost/shared_ptr.hpp, i saw this code:

//  generated copy constructor, destructor are fine...

#if defined( BOOST_HAS_RVALUE_REFS )

// ... except in C++0x, move disables the implicit copy

shared_ptr( shared_ptr const & r ): px( r.px ), pn( r.pn ) // never throws


这里的注释生成的复制构造函数、析构函数都可以,除非在 C++11 中,移动禁用隐式复制"是什么意思?在C++11中,我们是否总是自己编写复制构造函数来防止这种情况?

What does the comment "generated copy constructor, destructor are fine except in C++11, move disables the implicit copy" mean here? Shall we always write the copy ctor ourselves to prevent this situation in C++11?


我赞成 ildjarn 的回答,因为我觉得它既准确又幽默.:-)

I've upvoted ildjarn's answer because I found it both accurate and humorous. :-)

我提供一个替代答案,因为我根据问题的标题假设 OP 可能想知道为什么标准这么说.

I'm providing an alternate answer because I'm assuming because of the title of the question that the OP might want to know why the standard says so.


C++ 隐式地生成了复制成员,因为如果没有,它会在 1985 年死掉,因为它与 C 如此 不兼容.在那种情况下,我们不会今天进行这个对话是因为 C++ 不存在.

C++ has implicitly generated copy members because if it didn't, it would've been still-born in 1985 because it was so incompatible with C. And in that case we wouldn't be having this conversation today because C++ wouldn't exist.

话虽如此,隐式生成的副本成员类似于与魔鬼的交易".没有它们,C++ 就不会诞生.但它们是邪恶的,因为它们在大量实例中默默地生成了错误的代码.C++ 委员会不傻,他们知道这一点.

That being said, implicitly generated copy members are akin to a "deal with the devil". C++ couldn't have been born without them. But they are evil in that they silently generate incorrect code in a significant number of instances. The C++ committee isn't stupid, they know this.


现在 C++ 已经诞生,并且已经发展成为一个成功的成年人,委员会只想说:我们不再做隐式生成的复制成员了.他们太危险了.如果您想要一个隐式生成的副本成员,您必须选择加入该决定(而不是选择退出).然而,考虑到如果这样做会破坏现有的 C++ 代码的数量,那将无异于自杀.有一个巨大的向后兼容性问题,这是非常合理的.

Now that C++ has been born, and has evolved into a successful grownup, the committee would just love to say: we're not doing implicitly generated copy members any more. They are too dangerous. If you want an implicitly generated copy member you have to opt-in to that decision (as opposed to opt-out of it). However considering the amount of existing C++ code that would break if this was done, that would be tantamount to suicide. There is a huge backwards compatibility concern that is quite justified.

因此委员会达成了一个妥协的立场:如果您声明移动成员(遗留 C++ 代码不能这样做),那么我们将假设默认复制成员可能会做错事.如果需要,请选择加入(使用 =default).或者自己写.否则,它们将被隐式删除.我们迄今为止在只有移动类型的世界中的经验表明,这个默认位置实际上很常见(例如 unique_ptrofstreamfuture 等).= default 选择加入的费用实际上非常小.

So the committee reached a compromise position: If you declare move members (which legacy C++ code can't do), then we're going to assume that the default copy members are likely to do the wrong thing. Opt-in (with =default) if you want them. Or write them yourself. Otherwise they are implicitly deleted. Our experience to-date in a world with move-only types indicates that this default position is actually quite commonly what is desired (e.g. unique_ptr, ofstream, future, etc.). And the expense of opting-in is actually quite small with = default.


委员会甚至想说:如果您编写了析构函数,则隐式复制成员很可能不正确,因此我们将删除它们.这是 C++98/03 的三规则".然而,即使那样也会破坏很多代码.但是委员会在 C++11 中表示,如果您提供用户声明的析构函数,则不推荐使用隐式生成副本成员.这意味着可以在未来的标准中删除此功能.并且在这种情况下,现在任何一天您的编译器都可能开始发出不推荐使用的警告"(标准无法指定警告).

The committee would love to even say: If you've written a destructor, it is likely that the implicit copy members are incorrect, so we will delete them. This is the C++98/03 "rule of three". However even that would break lots of code. However the committee has said in C++11 that if you provide a user-declared destructor, the implicit generation of copy members is deprecated. That means that this feature could be removed in a future standard. And that any day now your compiler might start issuing "deprecated warnings" in this situation (the standard can not specify warnings).


所以要预先警告:C++ 已经成长并成熟了几十年.这意味着你父亲的 C++ 可能需要迁移来处理你孩子的 C++.这是一个缓慢、渐进的过程,因此您不会举手而只是移植到另一种语言.但它正在改变,即使缓慢.

So be forewarned: C++ has grown up and matured over the decades. And that means that your father's C++ may need migrating to deal with your child's C++. It is a slow, gradual process so that you don't throw up your hands and just port to another language. But it is change, even if slow.
