为此获得 boost::shared_ptr

2021-12-24 00:00:00 c++ boost

我在我的代码中广泛使用了 boost:shared_ptr.事实上,在堆上分配的大多数对象都由一个shared_ptr 持有.不幸的是,这意味着我无法将 this 传递给任何采用 shared_ptr 的函数.考虑这个代码:

I am making extensive use of boost:shared_ptr in my code. In fact, most of the objects that are allocated on the heap are held by a shared_ptr. Unfortunately this means that I can't pass this into any function that takes a shared_ptr. Consider this code:

void bar(boost::shared_ptr<Foo> pFoo)

void Foo::someFunction()

这里有两个问题.首先,这不会编译,因为 shared_ptr 的 T* 构造函数是显式的.其次,如果我强制它使用 bar(boost::shared_ptr<Foo>(this)) 构建,我将创建第二个指向我的对象的共享指针,最终将导致双重删除.

There are two problems here. First, this won't compile because the T* constructor for shared_ptr is explicit. Second, if I force it to build with bar(boost::shared_ptr<Foo>(this)) I will have created a second shared pointer to my object that will eventually lead to a double-delete.


This brings me to my question: Is there any standard pattern for getting a copy of the existing shared pointer you know exists from inside a method on one of those objects? Is using intrusive reference counting my only option here?


您可以从 enable_shared_from_this 然后您可以使用shared_from_this()"而不是this"来生成指向您自己的 self 对象的共享指针.

You can derive from enable_shared_from_this and then you can use "shared_from_this()" instead of "this" to spawn a shared pointer to your own self object.


#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>

class Y: public boost::enable_shared_from_this<Y>

    shared_ptr<Y> f()
        return shared_from_this();

int main()
    shared_ptr<Y> p(new Y);
    shared_ptr<Y> q = p->f();
    assert(p == q);
    assert(!(p < q || q < p)); // p and q must share ownership

当从成员函数生成线程到 boost::bind 到 shared_from_this() 而不是 this 时,这是一个好主意.它将确保对象不被释放.

It's a good idea when spawning threads from a member function to boost::bind to a shared_from_this() instead of this. It will ensure that the object is not released.
