unordered_map 线程安全

我正在使用 boost:thread 库将单线程程序更改为多线程程序.该程序使用 unordered_map 作为 hasp_map 进行查找.我的问题是..

I am changing a single thread program into multi thread using boost:thread library. The program uses unordered_map as a hasp_map for lookups. My question is..


At one time many threads will be writing, and at another many will be reading but not both reading and writing at the same time i.e. either all the threads will be reading or all will be writing. Will that be thread safe and the container designed for this? And if it will be, will it really be concurrent and improve performance? Do I need to use some locking mechanism?

我在某处读到 C++ 标准说行为将是未定义的,但仅此而已吗?

I read somewhere that the C++ Standard says the behavior will be undefined, but is that all?

更新:我也在考虑英特尔 concurrent_hash_map.这会是一个不错的选择吗?

UPDATE: I was also thinking about Intel concurrent_hash_map. Will that be a good option?


STL 容器的设计保证您能够:

STL containers are designed so that you are guaranteed to be able to have:




Having multiple threads writing is not one of the above conditions and is not allowed. Multiple threads writing will thus create a data race, which is undefined behavior.

您可以使用互斥锁来解决此问题.shared_mutex(与 shared_locks 结合)将特别有用,因为这种类型的互斥锁允许多个并发读取器.

You could use a mutex to fix this. A shared_mutex (combined with shared_locks) would be especially useful as that type of mutex allows multiple concurrent readers. 是标准的一部分,它保证了在不同线程上同时使用 const 函数的能力. 指定一些额外的非常量操作,它们在不同线程上是安全的. is the part of the standard which guarantees the ability to concurrently use const functions on different threads. specifies some additional non-const operations which are safe on different threads.
