GCC 相当于 MS 的/bigobj

2021-12-24 00:00:00 visual-studio g++ mingw c++ boost

我们正在大量使用 boost::serialization 和一般的模板.一切似乎都很顺利.

We are making heavy use of boost::serialization and templates in general. All seems to be going well.

除此之外,我们在 Windows 版本上遇到了障碍.这似乎会导致目标文件过大的问题.我们正在使用带有 g++ 4.7.0 的 MinGW/Msys.

Except, we've hit a snag on our Windows builds. It seems to cause issues in the object files being too large. We're using MinGW/Msys with g++ 4.7.0.

c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.7.0/../../../../mingw32/bin/as.exe: CMakeFiles/source.dir/sourcecode.cpp.obj: too many sections (33396)
C:UsersusernameAppDataLocalTempccnAocvD.s: Assembler messages:
C:UsersusernameAppDataLocalTempccnAocvD.s: Fatal error: can't write CMakeFiles/source.dir/sourcecode.cpp.obj: File too big


Master google revealed this archived message, http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=CA%2Bsc5mkLvj%3DW9w2%3DsY%3Dc_N%3DEwnsQuPDEX%3DiBcbsbxS3CuE_5Bg%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=mingw-users

在其中,它表明另一个人击中了几乎相同的障碍.它确实指向 Visual Studio 的 /bigobj 选项的一个选项,该选项似乎可以满足我们的需要.但是,我们无法迁移到 Visual Studio.

In it, it indicates that another person hit pretty much the same snag. It did point to an option for Visual Studio's /bigobj option which appears to do what we would need. However, we're unable to move to Visual Studio.

一个建议是将 --hash-size 添加到汇编器选项中.这没有帮助.

One suggestion was to add --hash-size to the assembler options. This did not help.

如果我没记错的话,问题在于目标文件中的条目限制为 2^16 个.实际上,根据错误消息,我敢说这是一个签名的 2^16 条目,但那是花生.Visual Studio 的 /bigobj 选项会将其更改为 2^32.邮件列表结果不知道 GCC 的等效选项.进一步的谷歌结果似乎与此无关.

If I'm not mistaken, the issue lies in the fact that the object files have a limit of 2^16 entries in them. Actually, according to the error message, I would venture that it's a signed 2^16 entries, but that's peanuts. The /bigobj option for Visual Studio would change that to 2^32. The mailing list result did not know of an equivalent option for GCC. Further google results don't appear to be relevant to this.


At this point we'll have to refactor our code (ugh) to get around this limitation. But I am still concerned that, with heavy templating, we could run into the issue again and again (we've already run into it with three source files).

所以我的问题是这样的;是否有等效于 Microsoft /bigobj 选项的 GCC?我还没有找到第三个选项吗?

So my question is thus; is there a GCC equivalent to Microsoft's /bigobj option? Is there a third option that I'm not yet found?


解决方案是添加选项 -Wa,-mbig-obj 如果您的 GCC 版本支持该选项.您可能只在编译步骤中需要它,而不是在链接器步骤中.

The solution is to add the option -Wa,-mbig-obj if your version of GCC supports that option. You probably only need it during the compilation step, not the linker step.

如果您的编译器不支持该选项,您应该考虑使用 mingw-w64 和 MSYS2.

If your compiler does not support that option, you should look into using mingw-w64 and MSYS2.
