将 boost::function 降级为普通函数指针

2021-12-24 00:00:00 c++ boost functor

想要将 boost::bind 传递给需要普通函数指针(相同签名)的方法.

want to pass boost::bind to a method expecting a plain function pointer (same signature).

typedef void TriggerProc_type(Variable*,void*);
void InitVariable(TriggerProc_type *proc);
boost::function<void (Variable*, void*)> triggerProc ...

error C2664: 'InitVariable' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 
'boost::function<Signature>' to 'void (__cdecl *)(type *,void *)'

我可以避免存储 boost::function 并直接传递绑定的函子,但是我得到了类似的错误:

I can avoid storing a boost::function and just pass the bound functor directly, but then I get similar error:

error C2664: 'blah(void (__cdecl *)(type *,void *))' : cannot convert parameter
1 from 'boost::_bi::bind_t<R,F,L>' to 'void (__cdecl *)(type *,void *)'


有没有人注意到接受的答案只有效与琐碎的案件?function<>::target() 将返回可以绑定到 C 回调的对象的唯一方法是,如果它是用可以绑定到 C 回调的对象构造的.如果是这种情况,那么您可以直接绑定它并跳过所有函数<>开始时的废话.

Has anyone noticed that the accepted answer only works with trivial cases? The only way that function<>::target() will return an object that can be bound to a C callback, is if it was constructed with an object that can be bound to a C callback. If that's the case, then you could have bound it directly and skipped all of the function<> nonsense to begin with.

如果你仔细想想,这个问题没有任何神奇的解决方案.C 样式的回调存储为指向可执行代码的单个指针.任何重要的 boost::function<> 都至少需要两个指针:一个指向可执行代码,另一个指向设置调用所需的数据(例如,'this' 指针,在绑定成员的情况下)功能).

If you think about it, there isn't any magic solution to this. A C-style callback is stored as a single pointer which points to executable code. Any nontrivial boost::function<> is going to need at least two pointers: one to the executable code, the other to the data that's needed to set up the call (e.g. the 'this' pointer, in the case of a bound member function).

在 C 回调中使用 boost::function 和 boost::bind 的正确方法是创建一个满足回调签名的 shim 函数,找出要调用的函数<>,然后调用它.通常,C 回调会为用户数据"提供某种 void*;这就是你隐藏函数指针的地方:

The right way to use boost::function and boost::bind with C callbacks is to create a shim function that satisfies the callback signature, figures out which function<> to call, and calls it. Usually C callbacks will have some kind of a void* for 'user data'; that's where you stash your function pointer:

typedef void (*CallbackType)(int x, void* user_data);
void RegisterCallback(CallbackType cb, void* user_data);

void MyCallback(int x, void* userData) {
  boost::function<void(int)> pfn = static_cast<boost::function<void(int)> >(userData);

boost::function<void(int)> fn = boost::bind(myFunction(5));
RegisterCallback(MyCallback, &fn);


Of course, if your callback signature doesn't include some kind of user data pointer, you're out of luck. But any callback that doesn't include a user data pointer is already unusable in most real-world scenarios, and needs to be rewritten.
