
2021-12-24 00:00:00 stream iostream c++ boost tee

我想将两个(或更多)流合二为一.我的目标是将指向 coutcerrclog 的任何输出与原始流一起输出到文件中.(例如,当事情被记录到控制台时.关闭后,我希望仍然能够返回并查看输出.)

I'd like to compose two (or more) streams into one. My goal is that any output directed to cout, cerr, and clog also be outputted into a file, along with the original stream. (For when things are logged to the console, for example. After closing, I'd like to still be able to go back and view the output.)


I was thinking of doing something like this:

class stream_compose : public streambuf, private boost::noncopyable
    // take two streams, save them in stream_holder,
    // this set their buffers to `this`.

    // implement the streambuf interface, routing to both
    // ...

    // saves the streambuf of an ios class,
    // upon destruction restores it, provides
    // accessor to saved stream
    class stream_holder;

    stream_holder mStreamA;
    stream_holder mStreamB;

这似乎很直接.然后 main 中的调用将类似于:

Which seems straight-forward enough. The call in main then would be something like:

// anything that goes to cout goes to both cout and the file
stream_compose coutToFile(std::cout, theFile);
// and so on

我还查看了 boost::iostreams,但没有看到任何相关内容.

I also looked at boost::iostreams, but didn't see anything related.


Are there any other better/simpler ways to accomplish this?


你提到在 Boost.IOStreams 中没有找到任何东西.您是否考虑过 tee_device?

You mention having not found anything in Boost.IOStreams. Did you consider tee_device?
