使 shared_ptr 不使用删除

2021-12-24 00:00:00 c++ boost

在我的代码中,我希望 boost::shared_ptr 不调用 delete 而是调用 ptr->deleteMe() .

in my code i would like boost::shared_ptr not to call delete but call ptr->deleteMe() instead.

我还有一些 C 风格的函数返回一个 ptr.我可以让它调用 lib_freeXYZ(ptr);而不是试图删除?

Also i have a few C styled functions that return a ptr. Can i make it call lib_freeXYZ(ptr); instead of trying to delete?


或者如何使用 stl 提供包装函子 - Doug T. 描述但没有自定义调用者.

Or how about using the stl to provide the wrapper functor - Doug T. description but without the custom caller.

boost::shared_ptr<T> ptr( new T, std::mem_fun_ref(&T::deleteMe) );
boost::shared_ptr<S> ptr( new S, std::ptr_fun(lib_freeXYZ) );
