Boost:asio 的最佳文档?

2021-12-24 00:00:00 c++ boost boost-asio

boost 网站上提供的文档是...有限.

The documentation available on the boost website is... limited.

据我所知,普遍的共识是很难找到关于 boost::asio 库的好的文档.

From what I've been able to read, the general consensus is that it is simply difficult to find good documentation on the boost::asio library.


Is this really the case? If so, why?


  • 我已经找到了(非增强版)Asio 网站 - 并且文档看起来是相同的到 boost 网站上的那个.
  • 我知道 Boost::asio 是新的!我正在寻找解决方案而不是借口.
  • I have already found the (non-boost) Asio website - and the documentation looks to be identical to that on the boost website.
  • I know that Boost::asio is new! I'm looking for solutions not excuses.

  • 有一个 建议添加网络库到标准库的 TR2 由 Boost:asio (Christopher Kohlhoff) 的作者编写.虽然它不是 boost:asio 的文档,但它确实将其用作 TR2 提案的基础.由于作者对这个文档付出了更多的努力,我发现它有点帮助,如果不是作为参考,那么至少作为一个概述.
  • There is a proposal to add a networking library to standard library for TR2 written by the author of Boost:asio (Christopher Kohlhoff). While it isn't documentation for boost:asio, it does use it as a base for the TR2 proposal. Since the author put more effort into this document, I have found it to be somewhat helpful, if not as a reference, then at least as an overview.


首先,我使用 Boost.Asio 已经有一段时间了――我和你一样担心.解决您的问题:

First, I've been using Boost.Asio for quite a while already -- and I share your concern. To address your question:

  • 除了介绍和教程之外,关于 Boost.Asio 的文档真的非常少.我不是作者,但这主要是因为对于像异步 IO 库这样低级的东西,需要记录的东西太多了.
  • 示例比教程提供的内容更多.如果您不介意花一点时间查看不同的示例,我认为它们应该足以让您入门.如果您想逃避它,那么参考文档应该对您有很大帮助.
  • 在 Boost 用户和 Boost 开发人员邮件列表中询问您是否真的遇到问题或需要具体指导.我敢肯定,很多人都愿意在邮件列表上解决您的疑虑.

努力(不是 Boost.Asio 的一部分)公开许多功能和可能的替代用例.这充其量只是散布在网络上的博客和其他形式的非打包文档中.

There are efforts (not part of Boost.Asio) to expose a lot of the functionality and possible alternative use cases. This at best is scattered around the web in blogs and other forms of non-packaged documentation.

有一件不清楚并且真正需要与 Boost.Asio 库的作者和开发人员密切协调的事情,就是针对特定平台对其进行扩展和定制,或者添加特定的新功能.虽然这应该得到改进,但好消息是它看起来像 Asio 将来会成为标准库技术报告(STL 中的异步 IO 库)的参考实现.

One thing that is unclear and which will really need close coordination with the author and developers of the Boost.Asio library would be as far as extending and customizing it for a specific platform or adding specific new functionality. This should be improved though but the good thing is it's looking like Asio will be a reference implementation for a standard library technical report (for an asynchronous IO library in the STL) in the future.
