pip 需求文件中的可选依赖项

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python pip pypi dependencies


如何在 pip 需求文件中指定可选依赖项?

How can I specify optional dependencies in a pip requirements file?

根据 pip 文档,这是可能的,但文档没有解释如何这样做,我在网上找不到任何例子.

According to the pip documentation this is possible, but the documentation doesn't explain how to do it, and I can't find any examples on the web.



Instead of specifying optional dependencies in the same file as the hard requirements, you can create a optional-requirements.txt and a requirements.txt.


To export your current environment's packages into a text file, you can do this:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

如有必要,修改 requirements.txt 的内容以准确表示您项目的依赖项.然后,要安装此文件中的所有包,请运行:

If necessary, modify the contents of the requirements.txt to accurately represent your project's dependencies. Then, to install all the packages in this file, run:

pip install -U -r requirements.txt

-U 告诉 pip 将包升级到最新版本,-r 告诉它安装 requirements.txt 中的所有包.

-U tells pip to upgrade packages to the latest version, and -r tells it to install all packages in requirements.txt.
