双花括号初始化 C 结构的含义是什么?

2021-12-23 00:00:00 c struct c++

我目前正在使用遗留的 C++ 代码,已成功通过 gcc 2.9.X 编译.
我被要求将此遗留代码移植到 gcc 3.4.X.大多数错误很容易纠正,但这个特别的错误让我感到困惑.

I'm currently working with legacy C++ code, successfully compiled with gcc 2.9.X.
I've been asked to port this legacy code to gcc 3.4.X. Most of the errors were easily corrected, but this particular one puzzles me.


 struct TMessage 
    THeader header;
    TData data;

 struct THeader
    TEnum myEnum;
    TBool validity;


 const TMessage init = {{0}};

 /* Later in the code ... */
 TMessage message = init;

{{}} 运算符的含义是什么?它是否将第一个字段(header)初始化为二进制 0 ?它是否将第一个结构(enum)的第一个字段初始化为(文字)0?

My question(s) :
What is the meaning of the {{}} operator ? Does it initialize the first field (the header) to a binary 0 ? Does it initialize the first field of the first structure (the enum) to (literal) 0 ?

我得到的 3.4.6 错误是 从 'int' 到 'TEnum' 的无效转换,带有一对或两对大括号.

The 3.4.6 error I get is invalid conversion from 'int' to 'TEnum', either with one or two pairs of curly brackets.

如何在不使用 memset 的情况下将我的结构设置为一堆 0?

How can I set my structure to a bunch of 0's without using memset ?



它将 POD 结构的所有字段初始化为 0.

It initialises all fields of the POD structure to 0.


const SomeStruct init = {Value};

将 SomeStruct 的第一个字段初始化为 Value,将结构的其余部分初始化为零(我忘记了标准中的部分,但它在某处)

Initialises the first field of SomeStruct to Value, the rest of the structure to zero (I forget the section in the standard, but it's there somewhere)


const SomeOtherStruct init = {{Value}};

将结构的第一个字段(其中结构的第一个字段本身就是一个 POD 结构)的第一个字段初始化为 Value,将第一个字段的其余部分初始化为零,将结构的其余部分初始化为 0.

Initialises the first field of the first field of the structure (where the first field of the structure is itself a POD struct) to Value, and the rest of the first field to zero, and the rest of the structure to 0.

此外,这只是行不通,因为 C++ 禁止将 int 隐式转换为枚举类型,因此您可以这样做:

Additionally, this only isn't working because c++ forbids implicit conversion of int to enum types, so you could do:

const SomeOtherStruct init = {{TEnum(0)}};
