
2021-12-23 00:00:00 class size struct c++ member


在 C++ 中是否有一些简单的方法来判断(在编译时)一个类/结构是否没有数据成员?

is there some easy way in C++ to tell (in compile-time) if a class/struct has no data members?

例如struct T{};

我的第一个想法是比较 sizeof(T)==0,但这似乎总是至少为 1.

My first thought was to compare sizeof(T)==0, but this always seems to be at least 1.


The obvious answer would be to just look at the code, but I would like to switch on this.


从 C++11 开始,您可以使用标准的 std::is_empty trait:https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/is_empty

Since C++11, you can use standard std::is_empty trait: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/is_empty

如果您正在使用旧式编译器,有一个技巧:您可以从另一个空的类中派生并检查是否 sizeof(OtherClass) == 1.Boost 在它的 is_empty 类型特征中做到了这一点.

If you are on paleo-compiler diet, there is a trick: you can derive from this class in another empty and check whether sizeof(OtherClass) == 1. Boost does this in its is_empty type trait.


template <typename T>
struct is_empty {
    struct helper_ : T { int x; };
    static bool const VALUE = sizeof(helper_) == sizeof(int);


However, this relies on the empty base class optimization (but all modern compilers do this).
