Python:修改 PATH 环境变量的平台无关方式


有没有办法使用 python 以独立于平台的方式修改 PATH 环境变量?

Is there a way to modify the PATH environment variable in a platform independent way using python?

类似于 os.path.join() 的东西?



由于 os.pathsep 是分隔不同路径的字符,您应该使用它来附加每个新路径:

Since os.pathsep is the character to separate different paths, you should use this to append each new path:

os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + path


or, if there are several paths to add in a list:

os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + os.pathsep.join(pathlist)

正如您所提到的,os.path.join 也可用于您必须附加的每个单独的路径,以防您必须从单独的部分构建它们.

As you mentioned, os.path.join can also be used for each individual path you have to append in the case you have to construct them from separate parts.
