sizeof(struct) 返回意外值

2021-12-23 00:00:00 gcc struct mingw c++ sizeof


This should be simple but I have no clue where to look for the issue:


struct region
    long long int x;
    long long int y;
    long long int width;
    long long int height;
    unsigned char scale;

当我做 sizeof(region) 时,它给了我 40 当我期待 33 时.

When I do sizeof(region) it gives me 40 when I am expecting 33.


(mingw gcc,赢得 x64 操作系统)

(mingw gcc, win x64 os)


它正在填充结构以适应 8 字节的边界.所以它实际上在内存中占用了 40 个字节 - sizeof 返回了正确的值.

It's padding the struct to fit an 8-byte boundary. So it actually is taking 40 bytes in memory - sizeof is returning the correct value.

如果您希望它只占用 33 个字节,则指定 packed 属性:

If you want it to only take 33 bytes then specify the packed attribute:

struct region
    long long int x;
    long long int y;
    long long int width;
    long long int height;
    unsigned char scale;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
