
2021-12-23 00:00:00 struct c++ std-pair std


What is the difference regarding memory allocation and efficiency between using a struct with two fields and a pair?


std::pair 提供预先编写的构造函数和比较运算符.这也允许它们存储在 std::map 之类的容器中,而无需编写,例如,复制构造函数或通过 operator < 的严格弱排序(例如 std 所要求的::地图).如果你不写它们,你就不会犯错(还记得严格弱排序是如何工作的吗?)所以使用 std::pair 更可靠.

std::pair provides pre-written constructors and comparison operators. This also allows them to be stored in containers like std::map without you needing to write, for example, the copy constructor or strict weak ordering via operator < (such as required by std::map). If you don't write them you can't make a mistake (remember how strict weak ordering works?) so it's more reliable just to use std::pair.
