

The following code snippet causes the copy constructor to be called where I expected the move constructor to be called:

#include <cstdio>

struct Foo
    Foo() { puts("Foo gets built!"); }
    Foo(const Foo& foo) { puts("Foo gets copied!"); }
    Foo(Foo&& foo) { puts("Foo gets moved!"); }

struct Bar { Foo foo; };
Bar Meow() { Bar bar; return bar; }
int main() { Bar bar(Meow()); }

在 VS11 Beta 上,在调试模式下,打印:

On VS11 Beta, in debug mode, this prints:

Foo gets built!
Foo gets copied!
Foo gets copied!

我检查了标准,Bar 似乎满足自动生成默认移动构造函数的所有要求,但这似乎不会发生,除非有另一个原因导致无法移动对象.我在这里看到了很多与移动和复制构造函数相关的问题,但我认为没有人遇到过这个具体问题.

I checked the standard and Bar seems to meet all requirements to have a default move constructor automatically generated, yet that doesn't seem to happen unless there's another reason why the object cannot be moved. I've seen a lot of move and copy constructor related questions around here but I don't think anyone has had this specific issue.


Any pointers on what's going on here? Is this standard behaviour?


不幸的是,VS11 没有提供默认的移动构造函数.请参阅备注部分中的移动语义- 引用:

Unfortunately, VS11 doesn't provide a default move constructor. See Move Semantics in the Remarks section - to quote:


Unlike the default copy constructor, the compiler does not provide a default move constructor.
