有没有办法在 Visual Studio 2012 中使用委托构造函数?

纵观 C++11 的新特性,委托构造函数似乎在我的情况下特别有用.

Looking through the new features of C++11, delegating constructors seems like they would be particular useful in my situation.

很遗憾,我需要使用 Visual Studio.我正在从事的项目有几个月的截止日期,使用实验性/损坏的编译器与我无关.是否有可以让我进行构造函数委托的 Visual C++ 版本?

Unfortunately, I need to use Visual Studio. The project I am working on has a several month deadline and using experimental/broken compilers doesn't concern me. Is there a version of Visual C++ that can will let me do constructor delegation?

参见 http://www.stroustrup.com/C++11FAQ.html#继承


是的,有一个支持委托构造函数的编译器测试版 - Visual C++ 编译器 2012 年 11 月 CTP.

Yes, there is a beta version of the compiler that supports delegating constructors - the Visual C++ Compiler November 2012 CTP.
