未找到在 C++ 'python33_d.lib' 中使用 Python 3.3

2021-12-22 00:00:00 python visual-c++ c++

我试图在我的 C++ 代码中 #include <Python.h> 并且当我去编译我的代码时我收到这个错误:

I am trying to #include <Python.h> in my C++ code and when I go to compile my code I get this error:

fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'python33_d.lib'

我试图在我的计算机上找到 python33_d.lib 以包含在我的链接器依赖项中,但我找不到它.我已经能够找到python33.lib.

I have tried to find python33_d.lib on my computer to include in my linker dependencies, but I cannot find it. I have been able to find python33.lib.


Where can I find the python33_d.lib, or how can I resolve this issue?


*_d.lib 用于调试版本.改为切换到发布版本.

*_d.lib is used for debug builds. Switch to a release build instead.
