获取有关在 catch 块内抛出 C++ 异常的位置的信息?

2021-12-22 00:00:00 logging exception visual-c++ c++

我有一个 C++ 应用程序,它在 try 块中包装了大部分代码.当我捕获异常时,我可以将用户返回到稳定状态,这很好.但我不再收到崩溃转储.我真的很想弄清楚异常发生在代码中的哪个位置,以便我可以记录并修复它.

I've got a c++ app that wraps large parts of code in try blocks. When I catch exceptions I can return the user to a stable state, which is nice. But I'm not longer receiving crash dumps. I'd really like to figure out where in the code the exception is taking place, so I can log it and fix it.


Being able to get a dump without halting the application would be ideal, but I'm not sure that's possible.

有什么方法可以找出从 catch 块中抛出异常的位置吗?如果有用,我将在 windows xp 及更高版本上使用本机 msvc++.我的计划是简单地将崩溃记录到不同用户机器上的文件中,然后在崩溃日志达到一定大小后上传.

Is there some way I can figure out where the exception was thrown from within the catch block? If it's useful, I'm using native msvc++ on windows xp and higher. My plan is to simply log the crashes to a file on the various users' machines, and then upload the crashlogs once they get to a certain size.


这可以通过使用 SEH(结构化异常处理)来实现.关键是 MSVC 通过 SEH 实现了 C++ 异常.另一方面,纯 SEH 更强大、更灵活.

This is possible with using SEH (structured exception handling). The point is that MSVC implements C++ exceptions via SEH. On the other hand the pure SEH is much more powerful and flexible.

这是你应该做的.而不是像这样使用纯 C++ try/catch 块:

That's what you should do. Instead of using pure C++ try/catch blocks like this:

} catch(MyExc& exc)
    // process the exception

你应该用 SEH 块包裹内部代码块 DoSomething:

You should wrap the inner code block DoSomething with the SEH block:

void DoSomething()
    __try {
    __except (DumpExc(GetExceptionInformation()), EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) {
        // never get there

    // Call MiniDumpWriteDump to produce the needed dump file

也就是说,在 C++ try/catch 块中,我们放置了另一个原始 SEH 块,它只转储所有异常而不捕获它们.

That is, inside the C++ try/catch block we place another raw SEH block, which only dumps all the exceptions without catching them.

参见 此处 使用 MiniDumpWriteDump 的示例.

See here for an example of using MiniDumpWriteDump.
