
这是我的问题.我有一个 BINARY_FLAG 宏:

Here's my problem. I have a BINARY_FLAG macro:

#define BINARY_FLAG( n ) ( static_cast<DWORD>( 1 << ( n ) ) )


Which can be used either like this ("constant" scenario):

static const SomeConstant = BINARY_FLAG( 5 );


or like this ("variable" scenario):

for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
    DWORD flag = BINARY_FLAG( i );
    // do something with the value

这个宏根本不是万无一失的――你可以通过 -134 那里最多会有一个警告,但行为将是未定义的.我想让它更万无一失.

This macro is not foolproof at all - one can pass -1 or 34 there and there will at most be a warning yet behavior will be undefined. I'd like to make it more foolproof.


For the constant scenario I could use a template:

template<int Shift> class BinaryFlag {
staticAssert( 0 <= Shift && Shift < sizeof( DWORD) * CHAR_BIT );
static const DWORD FlagValue = static_cast<DWORD>( 1 << Shift );
#define BINARY_FLAG( n ) CBinaryFlag<n>::FlagValue


but this will not go for the "variable" scenario - I'd need a runtime assertion there:

inline DWORD ProduceBinaryFlag( int shift )
    assert( 0 <= shift && shift < sizeof( DWORD) * CHAR_BIT );
    return static_cast<DWORD>( 1 << shift );
#define BINARY_FLAG( n ) ProduceBinaryFlag(n)


The latter is good, but has no compile-time checks. Of course, I'd like a compile-time check where possible and a runtime check otherwise. At all times I want as little runtime overhead as possible so I don't want a function call (that maybe won't be inlined) when a compile-time check is possible.


I saw this question, but it doesn't look like it is about the same problem.


Is there some construct that would allow to alternate between the two depending on whether the expression passed as a flag number is a compile-time constant or a variable?



It's not possible to pass an argument to a macro or function and determine if it's compile time constant or a variable.

最好的方法是您#define BINARY_FLAG(n) 使用编译时代码并将该宏放置在任何地方,然后编译它.您将在 n 将成为运行时的地方收到编译器错误.现在,您可以使用运行时宏 BINARY_FLAG_RUNTIME(n) 替换这些宏.这是唯一可行的方法.

The best way is that you #define BINARY_FLAG(n) with compile time code and place that macro everywhere and then compile it. You will receive compiler-errors at the places where n is going to be runtime. Now, you can replace those macros with your runtime macro BINARY_FLAG_RUNTIME(n). This is the only feasible way.
