SFML 在多线程中失败

2021-12-22 00:00:00 visual-c++ c++ sfml

我是 sfml 和 c++ 的新手.我有一个使用 sfml 库来绘制图形的项目,但是当我向我的程序添加一个额外的线程时,它无法执行线程内的代码.这是我的代码:(请帮助我!)

im new to sfml and c++.and I have a project that uses the sfml library's to draw the graphics but when I add an additional thread to my program it fails to execute the code inside the thread. this is my code:(please help me!)

#include <SFMLGraphics.hpp>
#include <SFMLwindow.hpp>
#include <SFMLsystem.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;

int h(sf::RenderWindow* win){
    //do something
    return 0;

int main(){
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800,600),"My window");
    thread t1(h,&window);
    return 0;



SFML 支持多线程绘图,你甚至不必做任何让它工作的东西.唯一要记住的是停用在另一个线程中使用它之前的一个窗口;那是因为一扇窗户(更准确地说是它的 OpenGL 上下文)不能在多个同时线程.

SFML supports multi-threaded drawing, and you don't even have to do anything to make it work. The only thing to remember is to deactivate a window before using it in another thread; that's because a window (more precisely its OpenGL context) cannot be active in multiple threads at the same time.

调用 window.setActive(false);在您的 main() 中,在您将其传递给线程之前.

call window.setActive(false); in your main(), before you pass it off to the thread.

请记住,您必须在 GUI 线程(主线程)中处理事件以获得最大的可移植性.

And remember that you must handle events in the GUI thread (the main thread) for maximum portability.
