为什么 EnumWindows 返回的窗口比我预期的多?

2021-12-22 00:00:00 windows visual-c++ c++ styles

在 VC++ 中,我使用 EnumWindows(...)、GetWindow(...) 和 GetWindowLong() 来获取窗口列表并检查窗口是否是顶部窗口(没有其他窗口作为所有者),以及窗口是否可见 (WS_VISIBLE).然而,虽然我的桌面只显示了 5 个窗口,但这个 EnumWindows 给了我 50 个窗口,多有趣!任何 Windows 极客请帮我澄清...

In VC++, I use EnumWindows(...), GetWindow(...), and GetWindowLong(), to get the list of windows and check whether the window is top window (no other window as owner), and whether the window is visible (WS_VISIBLE). However, although my desktop is showing only 5 windows, this EnumWindows is giving me 50 windows, how funny! Any Windows geek here please help me clarify...


Raymond 在 MSDN 博客上的这篇文章中描述了在任务栏中(或类似地在 Alt-Tab 框中)列出窗口的方法:

The way to list out only windows in taskbar (or similarly in Alt-Tab box) is described by Raymond in this article on MSDN blog:

哪些窗口出现在 Alt+Tab 列表中?

这是检查窗口是否显示在 alt-tab 中的超级函数:

And this is the super function to check whether a window is shown in alt-tab:

BOOL IsAltTabWindow(HWND hwnd)
    HWND hwndTry, hwndWalk = NULL;

        return FALSE;

    hwndTry = GetAncestor(hwnd, GA_ROOTOWNER);
    while(hwndTry != hwndWalk) 
        hwndWalk = hwndTry;
        hwndTry = GetLastActivePopup(hwndWalk);
    if(hwndWalk != hwnd)
        return FALSE;

    // the following removes some task tray programs and "Program Manager"
    ti.cbSize = sizeof(ti);
    GetTitleBarInfo(hwnd, &ti);
    if(ti.rgstate[0] & STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE)
        return FALSE;

    // Tool windows should not be displayed either, these do not appear in the
    // task bar.
    if(GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

