测量 C++ 中的异常处理开销

2021-12-22 00:00:00 gcc performance exception visual-c++ c++

在 C++ 中衡量异常处理开销/性能的最佳方法是什么?

What is the best way to measure exception handling overhead/performance in C++?


Please give standalone code samples.

我的目标是 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 和 gcc.

I'm targeting Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 and gcc.


I need to get results from the following cases:

  1. 没有 try/catch 块时的开销
  2. 当有 try/catch 块但没有抛出异常时的开销
  3. 抛出异常时的开销


C++ 性能技术报告草案 完全致力于异常的开销.

Section 5.4 of the draft Technical Report on C++ Performance is entirely devoted to the overhead of exceptions.
