如何增加 Visual Studio 中的错误限制?

在 Visual Studio 中构建应用程序时.超过错误计数时显示如下错误

When building an application in Visual Studio. It shows the following error when exceeding the error count

    fatal error C1003: error count exceeds 100; stopping compilation


Is there a way to increase the error limit?


这个限制是硬编码的.以下是 2006 年 microsoft.public.vsnet.general 组中 MSFT 员工的帖子(查找致命错误 C1003"):

This limitation is hardcoded. Here is the post from the MSFT employee in the microsoft.public.vsnet.general group dated 2006 (look for 'Fatal Error C1003'):

不幸的是,这 100 个限制是硬编码,无法更改.它是保留所有错误是不切实际的周围的信息,因为一个错误可能导致其他几个错误.

Unfortunately this 100 limitation is hard coded and cannot be changed. It's just inpractical to keep all errors information around since one error may cause other several errors.


I hope you understand the rational behind this design by our product team. However, if you still have concerns about this, please feel free to submit your feedback at
http://connect.microsoft.com/Main/content/content.aspx?ContentID=2220 which is monitored by our product team. Thank you for your understanding.

真诚的,Walter Wang(哇...@online.microsoft.com,删除'在线.') Microsoft 在线社区支持"

Sincerely, Walter Wang (waw...@online.microsoft.com, remove 'online.') Microsoft Online Community Support"
