致命错误:“无目标架构"在 Visual Studio 中

当我尝试在 Win32 或 x64 模式下使用 Visual Studio 2010 编译我的 C++ 项目时,出现以下错误:

When I try to compile my c++ project using Visual Studio 2010 in either Win32 or x64 mode I get the following error:

>C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv7.0Aincludewinnt.h(135):致命错误 C1189:#error:无目标架构"

我的预处理器定义说 WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)

My preprocessor definitions say WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)


What is causing this error and how do I fix it?

// winnt.h: lines 127-136, MSVS says this is an inactive preprocessor block
#if defined(_WIN64)

#if defined(_AMD64_)
#elif defined(_IA64_)
                              TYPE_ALIGNMENT( _s ) : TYPE_ALIGNMENT( DWORD ))
#error "No Target Architecture"

更新:我创建了一个新的 msvs 项目并将我的代码复制到其中.我不再有 error : "No Target Architecture",但现在我有一堆涉及 winnt.h 和 winbase.h 的编译错误,并且没有涉及我的任何文件的编译错误.这些文件是否可能已损坏?我是否需要重新安装 MSVS 2010?

Update: I created a new msvs project and copied my code to it. I no longer have error : "No Target Architecture", but now I have a bunch of compile errors involving winnt.h and winbase.h and no compile errors involving any of my files. Is it possible these files are corrupted? Do I need to reinstall MSVS 2010?

更新 2:所以我缩小了我的问题范围,发现是 #include <WinDef.h> 导致了我所有的 winnt.h 编译错误,但我仍然没有知道如何修复它.

Update 2: So I narrowed down my problem and found that it is #include <WinDef.h> that is causing all of my compile errors with winnt.h but I still don't know how to fix it.


使用 #include 而不是 #include .

来自 windows.h 维基百科页面:

From the windows.h wikipedia page:

windows.h 会自动包含许多子头文件.由于依赖关系,其中许多文件不能简单地单独包含(它们不是自包含).

There are a number of child header files that are automatically included with windows.h. Many of these files cannot simply be included by themselves (they are not self-contained), because of dependencies.

windef.hwindows.h 自动包含的文件之一.

windef.h is one of the files automatically included with windows.h.
