您如何减少 Visual C++ 项目(本机 C++)的编译时间和链接时间?

2021-12-22 00:00:00 compilation visual-c++ c++

您如何减少 VC++ 项目(本机 C++)的编译时间和链接时间?

How do YOU reduce compile time, and linking time for VC++ projects (native C++)?


Please specify if each suggestion applies to debug, release, or both.


这对你来说可能很明显,但我们尽量使用前向声明,即使它需要写出长命名空间名称) 是/在:

It may sound obvious to you, but we try to use forward declarations as much as possible, even if it requires to write out long namespace names the type(s) is/are in:

// Forward declaration stuff
namespace plotter { namespace logic { class Plotter; } }

// Real stuff
namespace plotter {
    namespace samples {
        class Window {
            logic::Plotter * mPlotter;
            // ...


It greatly reduces the time for compiling also on others compilers. Indeed it applies to all configurations :)
