
2021-12-22 00:00:00 gcc c visual-c++ c++

有没有办法—很像用gcc -E查看预处理结果—看看我的对象在编译成目标文件后是什么样子?

Is there a way—much like viewing the result of preprocessing with gcc -E—to see what my objects look like once compiled into object files?

我说的是 GCC,但包含 MSVC 的解决方案就可以了.

I am talking about GCC, but a solution including MSVC would be fine.


对于 Visual C++:

我终于设法使用来自 这里 和 此处.他们在这里:

I finally managed to dig up the (well-hidden!) undocumented compiler flags that MSVC++ supports using information from here and here. Here they are:


