
2021-12-22 00:00:00 visual-c++ c++


I want to force a little function not to be compiled as inline function even if it's very simple. I think this is useful for debug purpose. Is there any keyword to do this?


在 Visual Studio 2010 中,__declspec(noinline) 告诉编译器永远不要内联特定的成员函数,例如:

In Visual Studio 2010, __declspec(noinline) tells the compiler to never inline a particular member function, for instance:

class X {
     __declspec(noinline) int member_func() {
          return 0; 

此外,当使用 /clr 编译时,具有安全属性的函数永远不会被内联(同样,这是 VS 2010 特有的).

edit: Additionally, when compiling with /clr, functions with security attributes never get inlined (again, this is specific to VS 2010).


I don't think it will prove at all useful at debugging, though.
