“#pragma comment"是什么意思?意思是?

2021-12-22 00:00:00 macros visual-c++ c++ pragma

#pragma comment 在下面是什么意思?

#pragma comment(lib, "kernel32")
#pragma comment(lib, "user32")


#pragma comment 是一个编译器指令,它指示 Visual C++ 在生成的目标文件中留下注释.然后链接器可以在处理目标文件时读取注释.

#pragma comment is a compiler directive which indicates Visual C++ to leave a comment in the generated object file. The comment can then be read by the linker when it processes object files.

#pragma comment(lib, libname) 告诉链接器将libname"库添加到库依赖项列表中,就像您已将其添加到 Linker 的项目属性中一样->输入->附加依赖

#pragma comment(lib, libname) tells the linker to add the 'libname' library to the list of library dependencies, as if you had added it in the project properties at Linker->Input->Additional dependencies

请参阅 #pragma 评论MSDN
