
2021-12-21 00:00:00 serialization c++ boost

Boost 序列化文档断言序列化/反序列化项目的方法是使用二进制/文本存档,并在底层结构上使用流.如果我不想将序列化数据用作 std::string,这可以正常工作,但我的目的是将其直接转换为 char* 缓冲区.如何在不创建临时字符串的情况下实现此目的?

Boost serialization doc's assert that the way to serialize/deserialize items is using a binary/text archive with a stream on the underlying structure. This works fine if I wan't to use the serialized data as an std::string, but my intention is to convert it directly to a char* buffer. How can I achieve this without creating a temporary string?


Solved! For the ones that wanted a example:

char buffer[4096];

boost::iostreams::basic_array_sink<char> sr(buffer, buffer_size);  
boost::iostreams::stream< boost::iostreams::basic_array_sink<char> > source(sr);

boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(source);

oa << serializable_object; 



IIUC, you would like to write to a preallocated array of fixed size.

您可以使用 boost::iostreams::array_sink(用 stream 给它一个 std::ostream 接口).

You could use a boost::iostreams::array_sink (wrapped with stream to give it an std::ostream interface) for that.
