scanf 格式输入的 cin 类比是什么?

2021-12-21 00:00:00 input c++ std

使用 scanf,通常有一种直接获取格式化输入的方法:

With scanf there's, usually, a direct way to take formatted input:

1) 大于 0 且小于 1 的实数行.以x"结尾,例如:0.32432523x

1) line with a real number higher than 0, and less than 1. Ending on 'x', e.g: 0.32432523x

scanf("0.%[0-9]x", &number);

2) 行表示格式为:30+28=58

scanf(":%d+%d=%99s", &number1, &number2, &total);


What is the cin solution, using only the standard library?


使用 >> 操作符读取 cin.

Use the >> operator to read from cin.

  int number1, number2;
  std::string text;
  char plus, equals;
  std::cin >> number1 >> plus >> number2 >> equals >> text;
  if (! && plus == '+' && equals == '=' && !text.empty())
    std::cout << "matched";

它不如 scanf 好,因为您必须自己验证 scanf 字符串中的任何文字.用流来做这件事几乎肯定会比 scanf 要多得多的代码行.

It's not as good as scanf because you'd have to verify any literals that were in the scanf string yourself. Doing it with streams will almost certainly be a lot more lines of code than scanf.

我会使用 scanf.

I would use scanf.
