C++ 向量,返回与参数

2021-12-21 00:00:00 vector c++ stl

如何返回对象"在 C++ 中


I am wondering if there is a difference between the three following approaches:

void FillVector_1(vector<int>& v) {
    v.push_back(1); // lots of push_backs!

vector<int> FillVector_2() {
    vector<int> v;
    v.push_back(1); // lots of push_backs!
    return v;

vector<int> FillVector_3() {
    int tab[SZ] = { 1, 2, 3, /*...*/ };
    return vector<int>(tab, tab + SZ);



The biggest difference is that the first way appends to existing contents, whereas the other two fill an empty vector. :)

我觉得你要找的关键词是返回值优化,应该比较常见(使用 G++ 你必须专门关闭它以防止它被应用).也就是说,如果用法是这样的:

I think the keyword you are looking for is return value optimization, which should be rather common (with G++ you'll have to turn it off specifically to prevent it from being applied). That is, if the usage is like:

vector<int> vec = fill_vector();


then there might quite easily be no copies made (and the function is just easier to use).


If you are working with an existing vector

vector<int> vec;
while (something)
    vec = fill_vector();
    //do things

然后使用 out 参数将避免在循环中创建向量和复制数据.

then using an out parameter would avoid creation of vectors in a loop and copying data around.
