MVC 方法与 C++

我一直在学习 PHP MVC 模式,它非常酷.几乎完成了应用程序,我可以看到如果没有良好的设计,您可以制作出多么混乱的代码.现在可以将 MCV 应用于 C++ 应用程序吗?如果可能的话,插件管理器/插件会去哪里?在模型还是控制器中?谢谢!

I have been learning PHP MVC pattern and it is pretty cool. have almost finished app and I can see how mess you can make a code without good design. Now can MCV be applied to C++ apps? Where does Plugin manager/Plugins go if that is even possible?In model or controller? Thanks!

我的意思是带有像 QT/Wxwidgets/GTK+ 这样的 GUI 工具包的 C++另外请帮助我如何在 C++ 中实现.我已经学会了如何在 PHP 中做到这一点,但正如您所知,这两种语言在某种程度上是不同的!

I mean C++ with GUI toolkit like QT/Wxwidgets/GTK+ Also Please help me on how to implement in C++. I have learned how to do it in PHP but as you know the two languages are somehow different!



你如何在 C++ 中实际实现它

how do you actually implement it in C++

  • 让负责渲染的类对应用程序的细节一无所知.将它们称为SomethingView 类以明确这一点

    • make classes in charge of rendering know nothing about application details. Call them SomethingView classes to make this point clear


      make your domain objects not know anything about visualization or user interaction. You don't need to call them Model, but you could


      create a set of classes in charge of running the role of Controllers: wire somehow dependencies to view and model classes via dependency injection if possible. example: CppInject. In any case, controller classes can know both about model and view classes, so the important part is this: all the coupling between view and model objects is isolated to the controllers.


      Also, this implies, that all imperative-style programming should be confined to the controller classes as well: view and model should be declarative-style. That means, they should offer services related to its role, but avoid direct interaction with other objects as side-effects


      It is not true you need to implement communication between controllers and the other components with event-style system, although such system is definitely helpful, but certainly not required

      惊喜! 以上适用于任何语言或框架,当然除了那些从一开始就以某种方式迫使 MVC 扼杀你的语言,即:ruby on rails

      surprise! the above applies to any language or framework, except of course languages that somehow already force MVC down your throat from the start, i.e: ruby on rails
