在 C++ 中生成随机双数

2021-12-21 00:00:00 random c++

如何在 C++ 中生成两个双精度数之间的随机数,这些数字应该看起来像 xxxxx,yyyyy .

How to generate random numbers between two doubles in c++ , these numbers should look like xxxxx,yyyyy .



double fRand(double fMin, double fMax)
    double f = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
    return fMin + f * (fMax - fMin);

记住在每次程序启动时使用适当的种子调用 srand().

Remember to call srand() with a proper seed each time your program starts.

这个答案已经过时了,因为 C++ 得到了它的原生非基于 C 的随机库(参见 Alessandro Jacopsons 答案)但是,这仍然适用于 C

This answer is obsolete since C++ got it's native non-C based random library (see Alessandro Jacopsons answer) But, this still applies to C
