如何使用 boto 遍历 DynamoDB 表中的所有项目?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python boto amazon-dynamodb


我想查询 DynamoDB 表并检索所有项目并使用 boto 遍历它们.如何构建返回表中所有内容的查询或扫描?

I'd like to query a DynamoDB table and retrieve all the items and loop over them using boto. How do I structure a query or scan that returns everything in the table?


初步支持 Scan API 已由 Chris Moyer 在 commit 522e0548(添加了对 layer2 和 Table 的扫描),同时由 Mitch Garnaat 在 commit adeb7151(清理 Layer2 和 Table 上的扫描方法.)隐藏 layer1 的详细信息并启用直观的查询 - 相应的 issue #574 目前计划与 boto 2.3.

Preliminary support for the Scan API had been added to boto's layer2 for DynamoDB by Chris Moyer in commit 522e0548 (Added scan to layer2 and Table) and has meanwhile been updated by Mitch Garnaat in commit adeb7151 (Cleaned up the scan method on Layer2 and Table.) to hide the layer1 details and enable intuitive querying - the respective issue #574 is currently scheduled to be released with boto 2.3.

使用示例通过 tests/dynamodb/test_layer2.py:

# Try scans
results = table.scan([('Tags', 'CONTAINS', 'table')])
n = 0
for item in results:
    n += 1
assert n == 2
