为什么不对 std::vector 重载 operator+=() ?

2021-12-21 00:00:00 operator-overloading vector c++ stl

我已经开始学习 C++,所以我不知道在我缺乏知识/经验的情况下,为什么我要描述的对新手来说看起来如此简单的东西在 STL 中还没有.要将向量添加到另一个向量,您必须输入:

I've started learning C++, so I don't know in my lack of knowledge/experience why something so seemingly simple to a rookie as what I'm about to describe isn't already in the STL. To add a vector to another vector you have to type this:

v1.insert(v1.end(), v2.begin(), v2.end());

我想知道在现实世界中人们是否只是重载了 += 运算符以使其不那么冗长,例如

I'm wondering whether in the real world people just overload the += operator to make this less verbose, for example to the effect of

template <typename T>
void operator+=(std::vector<T> &v1, const std::vector<T> &v2) {
    v1.insert(v1.end(), v2.begin(), v2.end());


v1 += v2;

我也将 push_back 设置为+="一个元素到最后.精通C++的人有什么理由不应该做这些事情或者特别避免做这些事情吗?

I also have this set up for push_back to "+=" a single element to the end. Is there some reason these things should not be done or are specifically avoided by people who are proficient in C++?


这实际上是我希望以 append() 重载形式看到此功能的情况.operator+= 有点歧义,你的意思是将每个向量的元素相加?或者你的意思是追加?

This is actually a case where I would like to see this functionality in the form of an overload of append(). operator+= is kinda ambiguous, do you mean to add the elements of each vector to each other? Or you mean to append?

然而,就像我说的,我会欢迎:v1.append(v2); 很清楚很简单,我不知道为什么没有.

However, like I said, I would have welcomed: v1.append(v2); It is clear and simple, I don't know why it isn't there.
