将一行 csv 文件拆分为 std::vector?

2021-12-21 00:00:00 csv vector c++ std

我有一个函数可以逐行读取 CSV 文件.对于每一行,它会将这条线分割成一个向量.执行此操作的代码是

I have a function that will read a CSV file line by line. For each line, it will split the line into a vector. The code to do this is

    std::stringstream ss(sText);
    std::string item;

    while(std::getline(ss, item, ','))


This works fine except for if it reads a line where the last value is blank. For example,


我希望它返回一个大小为 3 的向量,其中第三个值只是空的.但是,它只返回大小为 2 的向量.我该如何纠正?

I would want this to return a vector of size 3 where the third value is just empty. However, instead it just returns a vector of size 2. How can I correct this?


bool addEmptyLine = sText.back() == ',';

/* your code here */

if (addEmptyLine) m_vecFields.push_back("");

sText += ',';     // text1, text2,,

/* your code */

assert(m_vecFields.size() == 3);
