将 std::vector 附加到自身,未定义的行为?

2021-12-21 00:00:00 language-lawyer vector c++


This question made me uncertain about appending a vector to itself. So the question is: Following lines of code do what I expect, but is it standard conform?

vec.reserve(vec.size() * 2):
vec.insert(vec.end(), vec.begin(), vec.end());


Following (without reserve()) still works, is it even standard conform?

vec.insert(vec.end(), vec.begin(), vec.end());



根据 C++03 ISO 规范(§23.1.1,表 67)(以及@AndyProwl 在 §23.2.3 中提到的, C++11 ISO 规范的表 11),作为序列要求的一部分,序列容器中的操作 a.insert(p, i, j) 具有以下前提条件:

According to the C++03 ISO spec (§23.1.1, Table 67) (and as @AndyProwl has mentioned, in §23.2.3, table 11 of the C++11 ISO spec), as part of sequence requirements, the operation a.insert(p, i, j) in a sequence container has this precondition:

ij 不是a 的迭代器.


In other words, sequence containers are allowed to safely assume that if you do a range insertion operation, that range will not be defined from iterators over that original container.


As a result, if you try to insert a container's elements into itself, you are calling a standard library function and breaking a precondition. This results in undefined behavior, meaning that it might work on some platforms if the library implementers are nice people, but it could terribly and catastrophically fail with no justification.

