如何将 std::string 复制到 std::vector<char> 中?

2021-12-21 00:00:00 复制 string vector c++

将 std::string 转换为 std::vector


std::string str = "hello";
std::vector<char> data;
std::copy(str.c_str(), str.c_str()+str.length(), data);

但它不起作用=(所以我想知道如何将 std::string 复制到 std::vector<char>std::vector<uchar> ?

but it does not work=( So I wonder How to copy std::string into std::vector<char> or std::vector<uchar> ?


std::vector 有一个带有两个迭代器的构造函数.你可以使用它:

std::vector has a constructor that takes two iterators. You can use that:

std::string str = "hello";
std::vector<char> data(str.begin(), str.end());

如果你已经有一个vector,并且想在最后添加字符,你需要一个back inserter:

If you already have a vector and want to add the characters at the end, you need a back inserter:

std::string str = "hello";
std::vector<char> data = /* ... */;
std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), std::back_inserter(data));
