std::vector 删除满足某些条件的元素

2021-12-21 00:00:00 vector c++ stl

正如标题所说,我想删除/合并满足特定条件的向量中的对象.我的意思是我知道如何从向量中删除整数,例如,其值为 99.

As the title says I want to remove/merge objects in a vector which fulfill specific conditions. I mean I know how to remove integers from a vector which have the value 99 for instance.

Scott Meyers 的 remove 成语:

The remove idiom by Scott Meyers:

vector<int> v;
v.erase(remove(v.begin(), v.end(), 99), v.end());


But suppose if have a vector of objects which contains a delay member variable. And now I want to eliminate all objects which delays differs only less than a specific threshold and want to combine/merge them to one object.


The result of the process should be a vector of objects where the difference of all delays should be at least the specified threshold.



99 将被替换为 UnaryPredicate,它会过滤您的延迟,我将使用 lambda 函数来实现.

99 would be replaced by UnaryPredicate that would filter your delays, which I am going to use a lambda function for.


    v.begin(), v.end(),
    [](const int& x) { 
        return x > 10; // put your condition here
    }), v.end());
