复制后的 std::vector 容量

2021-12-21 00:00:00 vector c++ capacity stl
  • vector::operator= 是否改变了矢量容量?如果是这样,怎么办?
  • vector 的复制构造函数是否复制容量?


I looked through documentation but could not find a specific answer. Is it implementation dependent?



  1. 向量有足够的容量来存储其元素.(显然.)
  2. 在当前容量已满之前,vector 不会获得新容量.*

因此,一个实现想要投入多少额外或多少取决于实现.我认为大多数会在复制时使容量匹配大小,但不能降低容量.(因为上面的数字 2;不允许在有足够空间的情况下重新分配.)

So how much extra or little an implementation wants to put is up to the implementation. I think most will make capacity match size, when copying, but it cannot lower capacity. (Because of number 2 above; reallocating while there's enough room is not allowed.)

* 主要是.请参阅下面的查尔斯评论.
