为什么将 C++ Vector 称为 Vector?

2021-12-21 00:00:00 vector c++ stl

这个问题真的不言自明.我对数学中的向量知之甚少,但我并没有真正看到 C++ 向量的链接.

The question's pretty self-explanatory really. I know vaguely about vectors in maths, but I don't really see the link to C++ vectors.


向量的数学定义是集合 Sn,这是特定集合 (S) 中的有序值序列.这是 C++ vector 存储的内容.

Mathematical definition of a vector is a member of the set Sn, which is an ordered sequence of values in a specific set (S). This is what a C++ vector stores.
