C++ - 获取特定内存地址的值


I was wondering whether it is possible to do something like this:

unsigned int address = 0x0001FBDC; // Random address :P
int value = *address; // Dereference of address


Meaning, is it possible to get the value of a particular address in memory ?




You can and should write it like this:

#include <cstdint>

uintptr_t p = 0x0001FBDC;
int value = *reinterpret_cast<int *>(p);

请注意,除非有某种保证 p 指向整数,否则这是未定义的行为.如果您尝试访问它不希望您访问的地址,则标准操作系统将终止您的进程.但是,这可能是独立程序中的常见模式.

Note that unless there is some guarantee that p points to an integer, this is undefined behaviour. A standard operating system will kill your process if you try to access an address that it didn't expect you to address. However, this may be a common pattern in free-standing programs.

(早期版本的 C++ 应该说 #include intptr_t.)

(Earlier versions of C++ should say #include <stdint.h> and intptr_t.)
