
2021-12-21 00:00:00 vector c++ heap-memory stl stack-memory


Are all of the following statements true?

vector<Type> vect; //allocates vect on stack and each of the Type (using std::allocator) also will be on the stack

vector<Type> *vect = new vector<Type>; //allocates vect on heap and each of the Type will be allocated on stack

vector<Type*> vect; //vect will be on stack and Type* will be on heap. 

如何在 vector 或任何其他 STL 容器中为 Type 内部分配内存?

How is the memory allocated internally for Type in a vector or any other STL container?


vector<Type> vect;


will allocate the vector, i.e. the header info, on the stack, but the elements on the free store ("heap").

vector<Type> *vect = new vector<Type>;


allocates everything on the free store.

vector<Type*> vect;

将在堆栈上分配 vector 并在空闲存储上分配一堆指针,但是这些点的位置取决于您如何使用它们(您可以将元素 0 指向空闲存储和元素1 到堆栈,比如说).

will allocate the vector on the stack and a bunch of pointers on the free store, but where these point is determined by how you use them (you could point element 0 to the free store and element 1 to the stack, say).
