c++11 中的类型什么时候可以被 memcpyed?

2021-12-21 00:00:00 memory c++ c++11


如果我想复制一个类类型,memcpy 可以非常快地完成.这在某些情况下是允许的.

If I want to copy a class type, memcpy can do it very fast. This is allowed in some situations.


  • is_standard_layout.
  • is_trivially_copyable.


What I would like to know is the exact requirements when a type will be "bitwise copyable".

我的结论是,如果 is_trivally_copyableis_standard_layout 特征都为真,则类型是可按位复制的:

My conclusion is that a type is bitwise copyable if both of is_trivally_copyable and is_standard_layout traits are true:

  1. 这正是我需要按位复制的内容吗?
  2. 是否过度约束?
  3. 是否受到限制?

P.S.:当然,memcpy 的结果一定是正确的.我知道我可以在任何情况下进行 memcpy,但不正确.

P.S.: of course, the result of memcpy must be correct. I know I could memcpy in any situation but incorrectly.


is_trivially_copyable::value 是真的.没有特别需要该类型是标准布局类型.可简单复制"的定义本质上是这样做是安全的.

You can copy an object of type T using memcpy when is_trivially_copyable<T>::value is true. There is no particular need for the type to be a standard layout type. The definition of 'trivially copyable' is essentially that it's safe to do this.

使用 memcpy 可以安全复制但不是标准布局的类示例:

An example of a class that is safe to copy with memcpy but which is not standard layout:

struct T {
  int i;
  int j;


Because this class uses different access control for different non-static data members it is not standard layout, but it is still trivially copyable.
