
假设我需要重载全局 ::operator new() 用于为每个分配的对象存储额外的数据.所以基本上它会这样工作:

Suppose I need to overload global ::operator new() for storing extra data with each allocated object. So basically it would work this way:

  • 对于每次调用全局 ::operator new() 它将获取传递的对象大小并添加额外数据的大小
  • 它将分配一个内存块,其大小在上一步推导出
  • 它会将指针偏移到没有被额外数据占用的块部分,并将该偏移值返回给调用者
  • for each call to global ::operator new() it will take the object size passed and add the size of extra data
  • it will allocate a memory block of size deduced at previous step
  • it will offset the pointer to the part of the block not occupied with extra data and return that offset value to the caller

::operator delete() 将反向执行相同的操作 - 移动指针、访问额外数据、释放内存.

::operator delete() will do the same in reverse - shift the pointer, access extra data, deallocate memory.

现在的问题是如何分配内存?当然,我可以调用 malloc() 或一些特定于平台的函数(通常就是这样完成的).但通常当我需要在 C++ 中分配原始内存时,我会调用 ::operator new().我可以调用原始的 ::operator new() 来从重载的全局 ::operator new() 内部进行内存分配吗?

Now the question is how do I allocate memory? Of course I can call malloc() or some platform-specific function (that's how it is usually done). But normally when I need to allocate raw memory in C++ I call ::operator new(). Can I call the original ::operator new() to do the memory allocation from inside my overloaded global ::operator new()?


您无法访问它们,因为它不是真正重载,而是替换.当您定义自己的 ::operator new 时,旧的就会消失.差不多就是这样.

You can't access them because it isn't really overloading, it's replacement. When you define your own ::operator new, the old one goes away. That's pretty much that.

本质上,您需要从自定义 ::operator new 调用 malloc.不仅如此,还要按照18.4.1.1/4中的指示正确处理错误:

Essentially, you need to call malloc from a custom ::operator new. Not only that, but also follow the directions in to properly handle errors:


――执行一个循环:在循环内,函数首先尝试分配请求的贮存.尝试是否涉及对标准 C 库的调用函数 malloc 未指定.

― Executes a loop: Within the loop, the function first attempts to allocate the requested storage. Whether the attempt involves a call to the Standard C library function malloc is unspecified.

―返回一个指向分配的指针如果尝试成功,则存储.否则,如果最后一个参数为set_new_handler() 是一个空指针,抛出 bad_alloc.

― Returns a pointer to the allocated storage if the attempt is successful. Otherwise, if the last argument to set_new_handler() was a null pointer, throw bad_alloc.

――否则,函数调用当前的 new_handler(如果被调用的函数返回,循环重复.

― Otherwise, the function calls the current new_handler ( If the called function returns, the loop repeats.

――循环尝试分配时终止请求的存储成功或当调用 new_handler 函数时不返回.

― The loop terminates when an attempt to allocate the requested storage is successful or when a called new_handler function does not return.
