使用 C/C++ 使用 AES 加密解密

2021-12-20 00:00:00 c encryption aes c++

如何使用 C 或 C++ 中的 256 密钥 AES 加密和解密文件?

How can I encrypt and decrypt a file with a 256 key AES in C or C++?


如果你刚开始使用 AES 并且不介意失去灵活性(即你不会在某个时候用另一种加密算法替换它)那么 Brian Gladman 的 AES 实现 是一种流行的选择(性能和可移植性).这是您在自己的源代码中嵌入的那种代码.

If you are just after AES and do not mind losing flexibility (i.e. you will not replace it with another cryptographic algorithm at some time) then Brian Gladman's AES implementation is a popular choice (both for performance and portability). This is the kind of code which you embed in your own source code.

在外部库方面,您有很多选择,包括 NSS、OpenSSL、Crypto++...后者专为 C++ 设计,而另外两个专为 C 设计.

On the external libraries front, you have plenty of choice, including NSS, OpenSSL, Crypto++... the latter is specifically designed for C++, while the two others are meant for C.
