学习在 C++ 中处理音频

2021-12-20 00:00:00 audio c++

我的学位是音频工程,但我对编程还很陌生.我想学习如何在编程环境中使用音频,部分原因是我可以通过有趣的项目更好地学习 C++.

My degree was in audio engineering, but I'm fairly new to programming. I'd like to learn how to work with audio in a programming environment, partly so I can learn C++ better through interesting projects.

首先,C++ 是适合这个的语言吗?有什么理由我不应该使用它吗?我听说过 Soundfile 和其他一些库 - 你会推荐什么?

First off, is C++ the right language for this? Is there any reason I shouldn't be using it? I've heard of Soundfile and some other libraries - what would you recommend?

最后,有没有人知道这方面的任何好的教程?我已经学习了 DSP 的基础知识 - 我只是想对它进行编程!

Finally, does anyone know of any good tutorials in this subject? I've learnt the basics of DSP - I just want to program it!

我使用 Windows.我想玩实时的东西,有点像 Max/MSP,但有更多的控制.

I use Windows. I'd like to play about with real-time stuff, a bit like Max/MSP but with more control.


这真的取决于你想做什么样的音频工作,如果你想为游戏实现音频,C++ 肯定是正确的语言.周围有很多库,OpenAL 很棒,免费且多平台.我还成功地使用了 DirectSound 和 Fmod.检查一下,这完全取决于您的需求.

It really depends on what kind of audio work you want to do, If you want to implement audio for a game, C++ is sure the right language. There are many libraries around, OpenAL is great, free and multiplatform. I also used DirectSound and Fmod with great sucess. Check them out, it all depends on your needs.
